Academic Honesty

Plagiarism and cheating are serious breaches of academic honesty.  In general, plagiarism is defined as the presentation of someone else’s work in whatever form:  copyrighted material, notes, film art work, reports, statistics, bibliographies, and the like, as one’s own, and failing to acknowledge the true source.  Quoting word-for-word, or almost so, or using the argumentation of another source without acknowledging this dependence also constitutes plagiarism.  Cheating is defined as the giving or attempting to give or to receive unauthorized information or assistance during an examination or in completing an assigned project.  Submission of a single work for two separate courses without the permission of the instructors involved is also a form of cheating.

If students are unsure whether a specific course of action would constitute plagiarism or cheating, they should consult with their instructor in advance.

Penalties for plagiarism and cheating vary with the degree of the offense and may take the form of the following academic sanctions:

·         The grade of F for the work in question;

·         The grade of F for the course;

·         Notification of the divisional chair and/or Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs of the misconduct of the student;

·         Recommendations that the student be suspended or dismissed from the College.