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The answer to this problem uses Bayes' theorem.

Let P(H) be the numerical probability that the hypothesis H is correct in the absence of any evidence--the prior probability. In the above example, H is the hypothesis that you have the disease and P(H) is 0.01 (1%).

You then take the test and obtain a positive outcome; this is the evidence E.

Let P(H | E) be the probability that H is correct given the evidence E. This is the revised estimate you want to calculate.

Let P(E | H) be the probability that E would be found if indeed H occurred. In the example, the test always detects disease when it is present, so:

P(E | H) = 1

in this case -- that is, 100%.

To compute the new estimate, you first calculate P(Hwrong), the probability that H does not occur, which is 0.99 in our example. Then, you calculate P(E | Hwrong), the probability that the evidence E would be found (i.e., the test comes out positive) even though H did not occur (i.e., you do not have the disease), which is 0.21 in the example.

Bayes' theorem says that:

or 4.6% !

Intuition Fails

This result defies most people's expectation.  Humans are not very good at recognizing such situations.

This is but one example of many with common characteristics:

  •  The test is relatively good


  •  The incidence of the disease is very low

The latter is the key point.


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This page was last changed on February 11, 2006