Working directly with people.

Academic Philosophy.

My goal as a teacher is to make the learning process an interactive one in which students are active participants. My own experience as a student has been that I learn the most when I am fully engaged in becoming aware of what I already know (or think I know) and open to the ways that other (fellow students, teachers, clients and researchers and others) can help me to learn more. As a teacher I work to create these kinds of learning opportunities for my students through the use of reflective and analytic reading, discussion and writing.

I can guide you with internships.


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Curabitur sed urna id nunc pulvinar semper. Nunc sit amet tortor sit amet lacus sagittis posuere cursus vitae nunc.Etiam venenatis, turpis at eleifend porta, nisl nulla bibendum justo.

Contact Me

Nullam quam lorem, tristique non vestibulum nec, consectetur in risus. Aliquam a quam vel leo gravida gravida eu porttitor dui.

Address: 1458 TemplateAccess, USA
Telephone: +123-1234-5678
FAX: +458-4578
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