
Current Issue


Manuscript Submission

Editorial Policies

InSight: Rivier Academic Journal
Information for Contributors

How to submit a manuscript:
The manuscript must be created in the MS Word
® format and send electronically as an attachment via e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief (journal2@rivier.edu) of the InSight: Rivier Academic Journal.

Manuscript Templates are available in DOC and PDF formats.

General Requirements:
The Manuscript Templates (see above) can be used for submitting a manuscript in the required format (MS Word® or Adobe Acrobat®). The author may submit a manuscript in other formats (WordPerfect® 12.0+, plain text, or a hard copy), but it would take extra time for online publishing and CD production. Rivier University has prior publication rights to any paper presented at its meetings and conferences, but papers will be considered for publication only if the author formally submits them. All manuscripts must be as brief and concise as proper presentation of the ideas will allow. Manuscripts must be in English.

Full-Length Papers:
Full-Length Papers contain original, quantitative, detailed material, set into perspective relative to prior work and supported by literature references and specific accomplishments. A typical Full-Length Paper will be approximately 10,000-12,000 words (including equations, tables, figures, images, and references), where each normal-sized, single-column figure, image or table counts as 200 words. All manuscripts are expected to be as concise as possible. Abstract: Each Full-Length Paper must include a 100- to 200-word abstract, written as a single paragraph. It should be a summary (not an introduction!) and complete in itself. Acronyms and abbreviations are not permitted. The abstract should indicate the subjects dealt with in the paper and should state the objectives of the research study. Newly observed facts and conclusions of the experiment or argument discussed in the paper must be stated in summary form. Readers should not have to read the paper to understand the abstract. Neither the abstract nor the conclusions (see below) should contain equations, symbols, acronyms, or discussions of proposed future research. Nomenclature: A nomenclature section is required for papers containing more than a few symbols; nomenclature definitions then should not appear in the text. Introduction: The paper also must include an Introduction, which is a brief assessment of prior work by others and an explanation of how the paper contributes to the field. Conclusions: The Conclusions should stand alone without either references or referrals to the main text for more details. They must be logically drawn from the text but not be just a summary of the paper.

Notes, Readers' Forum, and Comments:
Short manuscripts may qualify for publication in one of these categories. Notes, not to exceed 2500 words, are intended for prompt disclosure of new, significant data or developments of limited scope; they do not have abstracts but do contain introductions and descriptions of results. Readers' Forum items are brief discussions (approximately 1200 words) of previous research studies, and Comments should relate to papers previously published by Rivier University; they must not exceed 1200 words. Manuscripts submitted in these categories often are reviewed only by an editor (co-editors) and usually are published sooner than a Full-Length Paper.

A Note is a paper (approximately 2500 words) intended for prompt disclosure of new, significant data or developments of limited scope.

A brief discussion (approximately 1200 words) of a paper previously published in the same journal.

The original author's response to a Comment.

Survey Paper:
A comprehensive review of the literature on a particular subject (18,000-20,000 words).

A paper (usually invited) that received "distinguished lecture" status at a Rivier University conference or Faculty Lecture Series.

History of Key Discoveries and Technologies:
A paper covering the history of an aspect of technology (within the scope of the InSight: Rivier Academic Journal).

A correction to a previously published paper.

Readers' Forum:
A brief discussion (approximately 1200 words) of previous investigations.

A brief (generally one-page) introduction or personal commentary, which must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief before submission.

Titles and Authors' Names:
The title should be concise (maximum of 12 words), without the use of acronyms or abbreviations. The author's name should appear below the title; the full name is preferred. The affiliation should follow on the next line, with the author's official title, complete mailing address (including ZIP code), and e-mail address (optional) given in a footnote. This applies to all categories of papers.

Correct symbols, including Greek characters, should be used. Subscripts and superscripts must be readily apparent. To save space, the solidus (/) must be used for fractions in the text and for simple fractions in displayed equations.

References must be limited to readily accessible documents; i.e., those available from libraries, databases, or other public sources. They are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited (not listed alphabetically) and grouped at the end of the manuscript in the following form:

1.       Journals: Norton, B., and Pavlenko, A., "Addressing Gender in the ESL/EFL Classroom," TESOL Quarterly Journal, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2004, pp. 504-513.

2.       Books: Williams, S. R., Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 6th ed., Times Mirror/ Mosby University Publishing, St. Louis, MO, 1989, pp. 92-119.

3.       Book Series: Gee, J. P., "Identity as an Analysis Lens for Research in Education," Research in Education, edited by W. G. Secada, Vol. 25, Review of Research in Education, AIAA, New York, pp. 99-126, American Educational Research Association, Washington DC, 1985.

4.       Reports: Brook, E., and Bratman, H., "Using Compilers to Build Computers," Systems Development Corp., SP-176, Santa Monica, CA, Aug. 1960.

5.       Transactions/Proceedings: Prior, P., "Are Communities of Practice Really an Alternative to Discourse Communities?," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 1, American Association of Applied Linguistics, Arlington, VA, March 2003, pp. 50-63.

Classified or export-restricted references, personal/private communications, and personal Web sites are not permitted. Give inclusive page numbers for references to journal articles and a page or chapter for books. Cite references in numerical order in the text.

Line drawings must be clear and sharp. Use black ink on white background. Make sure that all lines and graph points are dark and distinct. Lettering should be large enough to be legible. Keep the lettering size and style uniform both within each figure and throughout all of your illustrations. Place captions beneath each figure, and position the figures within the text, close to where they are cited. Cite each figure in numerical order in the text. Submit artwork in JPEG, EPS (Encapsulated PostScript),  or TIFF format; PowerPoint and GIF are not acceptable.
Note: Color photographs and figures may be published if the use of color necessary for the sake of clarity.

Tables should have the column headings. Table footnotes should be placed under the final rule and should be indicated by letters, a, b, c, etc. Do not number table footnotes consecutively with text references. Each table must have a number and a caption. Place tables within the text, and cite each table in numerical order in the text.

Symbols and Units:
Use standard symbols whenever possible, preferably those recommended by the American Standards Association. Metric or dual systems of units (metric and English) should be used. For information on the International System of Units, see NAS 10001, which is the version of fundamental SI units, found in documents such as the following: NASA SP-7012, ASTM E 380-76, or IEEE Std 322 1971.

Numerical Accuracy:
The Online Academic Journal will not accept for publication any paper reporting (1) numerical solutions of an engineering problem that fails adequately to address accuracy of the computed results or (2) experimental results unless the accuracy of the data is adequately presented.
Also see Editorial Policies.

Copyright Information:
The Copyright Agreement (see the Copyright Form) must be signed and submitted to the Editor-in-Chief (journal2@rivier.edu) upon accepting the manuscript for online publication.

Manuscript Review Process (see Editorial Policies).

The *.pdf files are in the Adobe Portable Document Format and can be viewed with (and optionally printed from) the Acrobat Reader (Version 9 may now be required), a public domain program that can be downloaded from the Adobe site (Adobe Acrobat).



Copyright © 2005-2024 by Rivier University. All rights reserved.
ISSN 1559-9388 (online version), ISSN 1559-9396 (CD-ROM version).